
Include Log Error, Log Connection, Kill Idle Connections, Auto Restart, Start Button Seq., Firewall Attack and Over Quota Notification.


Postby admin » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:38 am

1. Log error, log all error to errlog.txt. If Magic Router is not started up, you will find the error or answer in errlog.txt. For any case, if you find problem or ensure Magic Router is running smoothly, check errlog.txt regularly.

2. Log connection, this is used to trace what ip is connected, or if you enabled firewall, you can find many record in dbcstore.mdb. Log connection will log not only standard routing, but also log agent server connection and listener client connection.

3. Show main screen on startup, if you don’t need to config values in all pages of Magic Router, uncheck this value.

4. Save Password, is used to save frequent input password for user. The password saved is encrypted and accorded to computer hardware. If the saved config file share to other computer, the password will not correct decrypt.

5. Booster, System Service Booster, special design for fast response application. For Example, if you run Magic Router for file sharing client (File Explorer), and run Magic Router as Agent Server with Auto Forwarder on File Server, transferring files or listing files will double faster.

6. Support English, Chinese GB/Big5 user interface.

7. Kill idle connection by days, sometimes computer connected and shutdown by hibernation, the connection will not terminate, you need to kill idle by days, otherwise unused connections will hold the socket, use up resource.

8. Auto restart router by, this is seldom used, Magic Router is stable, is expected, no restart is require. If Magic Router is not running stable with you server service. try to restart Magic Router, and observe why Magic Router is unstable.

9. Start button seq., this setting is frequently used. If you start up a service without user interface, you need to tell router what action to take after startup. If you don't tell Magic Router, it will only startup, and will not start any listen button.

10. Service restart if no response by seconds. Under system service, if MR*a.exe has no response, MR*.exe will restart MR*a.exe. If the true application server always busy over minutes, set higher for this value to avoid Magic Router restart too frequent.

11. Firewall attack, if max. hits reached, email will send out or run specified application/program.

12. Over quota, if max. quotas reached, email will send out or run specified application/program.

13. Magic Router build in SMTP Engine is not support SMTP account, it will direct send out notice email to email server. You must test the email address. If fail to get test email, see errlog.txt for reference. It is now support mulitple email addresses, break email addresses by semi colon
i.e admin@magicrouter.net;alfee@alfeekwok.com

14. Buffering, Buffering is used to buffer application server (database, email, http...) outgoing data to Magic Router. Such process can increase application server stability. Standard Routing > Protocol = FTP is default disabled.

15. Http Authentication, It is used as access authentication, if access server by browser, user name and password is needed.

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